Summer Fruits Citrus Explosion Cake
This creation is inspired from the very classic and traditional Victoria Sponge as a base. However, I've given it a (very zesty) twist this time. I've baked Victoria Sponges in the past, and to be fair, you can't go wrong with it as it's a timeless bake you can enjoy anytime. But summer is coming, the weather is heating up, so lemons, strawberries and blueberries have taken over my kitchen!
If you want to try this, the great thing is it's inexpensive and very easy to make. I'm not a fan of extensive recipe lists, lengthy baking times or complex procedures, and if you're the same as me, then this is ideal.
Total time required : 1 hour 20/25 minutes approx (10 mins prep, 25 mins bake, 25-30 mins cooling, 15-20 mins decorating).
- 225g golden caster sugar
- 225g unsalted butter, softened and cubed
- 4 medium-sized eggs
- 225g self-raising flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 teaspoons milk
- 2 teaspons lemon extract
- 125g unsalted butter, softened and cubed
- 150g icing suger (add more if you wish)
- 1 teaspoon lemon extract
- 400g lemon curd
- 125g blueberries
- 225g strawberries
- some mint leaves for decoration (optional)
1. Pre-hear your oven to 180C / gas mark 4. Grease a 20cm by 20cm sponge tin with some of your butter. In a large bowl, beat together all your caster sugar, butter, eggs, flour, baking powder, milk and lemon extract for 5-7 minutes until you have a lovely clear and smooth batter. If you need to sieve any of your ingredients in, please do so to help with the final consistency. This in my experience begins to resemble a genoise sponge, as the length of time you beat it will add more air into the mix and create a lovely fluffy bake. Pour the batter into your sponge tin and bake for 25 mins. Remove from the oven and insert a skewer into the centre of the sponge - if it comes away clear, leave it out on a wire rack to cool for 25-30 mins. If there is batter on the skewer, put back in the over for another 5 minutes. and check again when removing.
2. As soon as removing the sponge from the oven, cut in half. I use a ruler all around the edge of the sponge to measure the exact middle point and use a very fine blade to leave markers all the way around. Now gently rotate the sponge as you cut, but do not drag the blade through, as you may damage the outside - bring the knife in and out as you go around slowly to keep the outside completely intact. If you want to speed up the cooling process, but the sponge in the fridge for a few minutes.
3. While the sponge is cooling, use your time wisely and clear your work station (I'm a huge neat freak so I like to clean and organize as I go!) and make your buttercream. With an electric whisk, which you will gradually crank up to full volume, whisk your butter, icing sugar and lemon extract until thick and holds it's shape, this should only take around 1-2 minutes. Leave in the fridge.
4. The final part is all about the decoration. Spread maximum half of your lemon curd over the bottom layer of your sponge evenly, then all the buttercream on top of it. Slice half of your strawberries into threes and lay then out on the buttercream with half of your blueberries in any way you want - be creative! Add your top layer, then spread a thin layer of lemon curd over the top half and use a spatula to neatly spread it around the sides of the cake - this will get quite messy, but it's the fun part! Once you have neatly applied the lemon curd over the top and the sides, add the rest of your strawberries, blueberries and some mint leaves for the decoration on top in any fashion you like. Remember that this is all about getting your creative juices flowing. Mint leaves can be eaten too. A fun fact is in the middle-ages, people used to chew mint and other herbs to freshen their breath!
Cover and refrigerate. Enjoy!
Ps. Even when covered I would advise you to eat within 3 days.
J x