Dark and White Chocolate Brownie Quiz Winners!

   It's been a funny old few months, that's for sure. In the wake of this pandemic, in many ways, we've found new and interesting methods of occupying our time. Furloughed people have taken up new interests and dedicated more time to old ones. The social aspect of life has been badly hit. Missing our family, and pining for our friends. Nights out dancing, dates to the cinema, hell, even the booty-calls have left a hole in our lives (pun unintended!) Still, we need to remember we are incredibly lucky. 

   Past generations had the Spanish flu, which cost the numbers of our population more than this pandemic did. The Wall Street Crash. the Rise of the Nazis, two World Wars, the Cold War, The Iraq War more recently. It's true, we've been through it, and when we complain about the slightest thing, it puts it into perspective how lucky we are and how in spite of this time, we still have running water, electricity, fresh air, money, a wardrobe full of clothes, a car full of petrol. The means to get our essentials for everyday life, and neighbors, family and friends to make this happen. Previous generations were not so fortunate. My Grandad, who will celebrate his 90th birthday this year, recalls his dad's car sat in their garage for the duration of World War II as petrol was like gold-dust. My grandparents didn't see a banana in the shops until well after 1945. Today, we can still drive our cars and buy such things pretty easily anywhere. 

   However, just a thought as I digress. Another reason we are so lucky, is the blessing of technology. More to be precise, Zoom. This has come into it's own over the past three months, whether it be for our own time or professionally, and for our social circle here in Manchester, it has presented us with the opportunity to host weekly Zoom quizzes, each week with a different host. Last weekend was our turn, and what a night it was! We clearly needed a prize for our fabulous winners, so I decided to make my brownies, this time drizzled with white chocolate. Who doesn't love a lockdown lunch finished off with a lockdown brownie or two? Remember, to make a batch of 8 you will need - 

- 200g dark chocolate
- 250g muscovado sugar
- 3 meduim eggs
- 100g self-raising flour
- 100g dark chocolate pieces to press into the top before baking (optional)
- 100g white chocolate, melted to drizzle after baking (optional)

   Pre-heat your oven to 170 degrees fan / 190 degrees conventional / gas mark 5. Grease with butter and line with parchment paper a 20cm by 20cm baking tin. Melt your chocolate and sugar in a pan over a medium heat until melted and mixed together. Remove from the heat and add your eggs. Beat in quickly, then add your flour and mix until you have a thick, fudge-like consistency. Pour into your baking tin, popping your 100g of dark chocolate pieces on top to decorate. Pop in the oven for about 25-30 mins. Leave the tray-bake to cool in the tin and when at room temperature, melt your white chocolate in a microwave-proof bowl and drizzle with a fork the white chocolate over your brownies. Leave to set, then tuck in! 

As our world gradually wakes up, and today a number of businesses re-open for trade, I just want to wish everyone well, be responsible, and take care! 

So would you like to see some of my pop-diva recreations for the quiz we hosted last week? 

You would have received a point for the artist and the song. Please leave your comments here! I'll never live this down! Happy baking and posing everyone! ;)

J xx


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